
Results for: Product Development

You can try manufacturing aggregators like. 3Dhubs They will help you find the right partner for metal fabrication, 3D printing and CNC machining.


How would you describe this app to a friend? Who would you recommend this app to? If the app wasn't working, what would you use instead? And observation! Just watching people use the app, you can see from their faces/hands which bit is working for them or not. Great to hone in those areas of...


I use any resource at my disposal, but I think it comes down to a little formula that takes in these two data points: 1) what am I trying to build? 2) what are my strengths? Here's how it works. I basically calculate a "success probability outcome score" based on these two factors. Here are som...


You do not need to incorporate, and you may use the other company for now. Of course, it is always better to incorporate so that you have a legal entity by which you operate, collect fees, pay taxes, and so on. If you choose not to incorporate at this point, then you should at least have a wr...


Either find a partner with money to help you out or use services like If it was me, I would first learn everything I need to know about launching a transactional website (if you are able to sell your product online and ship it ). Websites like make it possible for a...


Seems to me that versatility is actually your greater selling point. Yes, you could concentrate on 1 niche problem that you solve over and over again for various clients. Advantage: That streamlined approach would be efficient in terms of presentation and actual work load. Disadvantage: By pro...


It is all your decision because if you earn profit out of it people will praise you and if you earn loss people will criticize you. Your profile is great, I really love it as you have really earned so much in the business world is wonderful to read. Best practice product development processes ar...


I'll first answer this from a product and development perspective: This answer is written assuming you have done everything right to launch a product that has already established product/market fit. First, you want to fix the "leaky buckets." Brett Martin wrote a post-mortem of his startup and w...


Hi there, it depends on the type of paid info product you are trying to create. I've been creating and selling digital info products (e.g. video training courses) for the past 5 years. Let's have a chat and see how I can help.


ASK THEM TO SHARE THEIR PROBLEMS... Don't overthink it. When you find people who ask questions on Quora or Clarity or LinkedIn (or a zillion other social media platforms) respond to those people that "if you want someone to start working on solving that problem, tell us what you want...". Then ...


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