
Results for: Strategic Planning

As you likely know, people make a lot of decisions based on price. Having different pricing points isn't distracting, it's often the driver for making a decision - as people compare value of an offering to the price of its offer. So no, I don't think you should set all your prices at the same lev...


Hello, I have run couple of years online business and used indiegogo and kickstarter platforms for presales. I also write on Amazon kindle for e-books on marketing topics. Presently, I am a MBA lecturer who works full time teaching marketing. I would recommend you to do the following: 1) Use Amaz...


Today’s consumers are entering the buying process much more educated and from a number of entry points. Some will come to your brand based on the recommendation of a friend, others will see a sponsored social media post, others will come in “cold” from a generalized search engine query. Your sale...


You answered your own question yourself. You need some kind of, "data such as adwords conversion rates, cold calling success rates and things like this which would back up your claims" Without any kind of data which you've collected on your MVP, you can't make any statements on growth potential ...


1.Think About What Excites and Energizes You This one's the first obvious step—we all want to enjoy and actually like our careers. (Perhaps the biggest sign you're on the wrong path is if you dread talking about your job.) While passion isn't the only requirement for being content in your career,...


There is no harm in having several businesses BUT it is wisdom to focus your full energy on the best business out of your lot. Let that focused business give you all the income you need on ongoing basis. Then you need to develop systems so that business doesn't need your full time attention. And...


There are several states in the U.S. that will allow you to form an LLC or corporation without having to disclose the beneficial owners of the entity. Wyoming, Delaware and Nevada are the most popular jurisdictions when it comes to privacy protections. Wyoming, for example, has a public datab...


Questions you should think about (assuming you have existing customers) * Can you run these case-studies past your existing customers' buyers to see what you're missing? Basically why is a use-case, whitepaper not convincing enough? * Can you get prospects to talk to existing customers or do a w...


Do not consider this as a fixed and rigid decision. Consider this more like an opportunity to realize that you should test your pricing strategy as early as possible or at least now. Every pricing strategy you choose does work, the question is can you find your optimum? In your position, I'd re...


Hi, I understand that it feels that it makes no sense, but you are right that it feels right in some way. I actually wrote about this, How is SaaS different from MRR? People get confused a lot about it and think they can adapt monetization strategy to the model. Please read


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