
Results for: Social Media

There are a lot of ways..LinkedIn can help greatly and even for that matter freelance sites like Elance, Guru, etc if you are tight on budget. Specialist outsourcing company can be of great help but finding them can become tricky at times. I happen to use for my company and although ...


It can be pretty common. It's different for different networks, some will over-report and some under-report. Google for example generally under-reports conversions, so we adjust for that on our end. Social buys generally over-report due to bots etc. It's definitely annoying but once you get your ...


Social engagement requires more than posting information about your product or service. You need to look for ways to be helpful to people without trying to drive them to your site. Look for opportunities to build relationships first and foremost. Once people see that you're helpful they'll begin ...


One of my favorite issues! My company builds community tools for gamers & game developers. I end up thinking about and dealing with these issues a lot. Mobile communities are a completely new frontier. Frankly most of the technology is poor. The vast majority of mobile communities have been por...


I own / operate physical therapy clinics in the Denver Metro area and have been effectively generating leads and generating new patients online for the last 3 years. And the cost of acquisition is surprisingly low (from as little as $0 if you do some of the things in-house to less than $100 for t...


I have quite a bit of experience with this. My advice is to create a plug in tool that can be licensed not just in the entertainment vertical but other similar verticals. That's one key way to develop clients that will never leave you because it will be part of their business. Then as a business...


A tool we love to use is Adespresso ( There you can easily create Facebook ads in a much more intuitive way than you would in Facebook's own power editor. Adespresso also automatically creates A/B tests for you, letting you ad a ton of images, headlines and text and creating mul...


The reality is "reputable" growth hackers - aren't sitting around on freelance sites waiting for you to hire them. If they are good, they are either (very) gainfully employed at a reputable company making very good salaries or more likely using our super powers to create multimillion dollar compa...


Hi there, it depends on what your end goal is. Are you looking for page likes or you want to send traffic to a landing page on your website in order to get leads or sales? If you can give more clarity on what your business is about and what you are trying to achieve, then I'll be able to give y...


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