
Results for: Small Business

How to start a company: 1) Come up with an idea (one that can make money) 2) Build a prototype (hardware, software, whatever) 3) Get evidence that people want it 4) Further refine the prototype and start selling it 5) When you've sold your first thing you now have, "a company" At some point in t...


You can base your business in mostly referrals, however, if you want to grow substantially, you should use some paid advertising to boost your revenue. It all really depends on how much you want to grow and how fast. If you are alone as an architect without staff, then referrals are a good place ...


Thank you for asking this question! As someone who has owned multiple small-medium sized businesses, I know the importance of managing purchases in relation to cash flow. I prioritize the following when considering this question in relation to my own businesses. 1. Cash Flow-It is critical that ...


I deal with small business owners on a daily basis. Their knowledge of SEO varies greatly as does their competition in the SERPS. I will tell you that it is tough to give complete answers without first knowing how competitive your niche is. Advice: If those 50 domains are to be of any use, you ...


Lead with the timing question in your marketing. IE. Sort your prospects by whether they're almost out of their existing plan or not. A quiz might be great if you can capture the lead with that information ("We have important info for you depending on when your existing plan expires") coul...


Hi, The problem with small businesses is that profit is totally under the control of the operator. Lots of personal expenses can get buried in the company to lower taxes. This is why you don't want to be a minority shareholder. This deal should be structured as debt. I do these deals often...


Hi! I don't have experience in your field, but I just wanted to say congrats for the idea, and for your business in general: it sounds like you're doing good! It sounds like you have two problems to overcome: money and the actual shop. Money-wise, if you think 6k/month would cover salary, rent,...


Hi there, I wish I could give you an exact amount — or even a decent range. But, in reality, the answer is it depends. There are a number of factors I would use to quote this. Some of those factors include: - How much content, and what kind, is being created? - How much time are you expected to...


There really is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to create a fintech app will vary depending on the specifics of your project. However, some tips that may be useful include: 1. Research the fintech industry - Before you even start brainstorming ideas for your app, it...


First, when you make enough sales face-to-face, hire someone to manage social media for you. You don't have to do it like everyone else, but you need to have a presence online to be a serious contender in the marketplace. Even people who meet you face-to-face may be less enthusiastic about buying...


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