
Results for: Marketing

Primary Marketing Rule - Everything revolves around benefits, not features. People pay for benefits. If you write a course about programming using some tech like React or Django or Node... likely your income will be much lower than starting with a benefit. So... A benefit might be.. "How to to...


There are 100s of companies targeting the exact same market with a very similar product. Do you have a very different offering? Do you compete on anything other then price? I suggest picking a niche other then startups. Pick a market that is less well served and has larger budgets.


When marketing in the restaurant industry it's really important to think about what the theme of your restaurant is, and tie that to the community. For instance: karaoke or trivia may not be the right kinds of events to host if your restaurant is a little classier. However, since you mentioned ba...


The typical consultant answer is 'test it' but there are some good places to start. People generally start checking email when they show up to work (yes that includes personal). Sending around 8:30AM will give you a good shot of being at the top of their inbox then. Another good time is before ...


Quickest way to keep your content is to use the same inbound strategy you have had success with but "pay to play" use a small budget and you can start with $5 on most ad networks Facebook might actually be a good spot as you can target the fans of your industry magazines and your great promotiona...


There is a thing called big data and small data and you gather these type of demographic information from research on competition, neighborhood demographics, lifestyle, family routines in and out of a home, sometimes jargon and slang can be key identifiers of niche groups, there is no single way ...


You can split in 2 strategies long term and short term. Short term you need ads. Ads via Google work because you get immediate response, trouble is if your not well acquainted with SEM you may overspend do to the lack of bad landing pages, unuseful keywords and just low conversion rates. But i...


Network with people you trust. Sell them your excess leads for a percentage of what they'll derive. Choose other freelancers, whom you might consider bringing on board if an agency emerges. This way you have only enough collaboration initially. In other words, you're not compromising your own...


For me, and being a developer of mobile apps and websites, it is that most self-proclaimed mobile marketing platforms do not take the mobile target market into account at all and instead, show a regular internet marketing platform but with a "mobile" label. For example, if I am trying to connect...


You're targeting a b2b product with a $1 payout on a trial full-form lead submit -- this is never, ever going to work, no matter how well you advertise it. The best advice I can give you in this scenario is to find a better offer to run.


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