Anant SaxenaHomo Sapien

Entrepreneur, Operations Manager, Handled a team of over 200 employees, Data Visualizer, 10+ Years of helping businesses

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I totally get it! It feels like everyone’s keeping all the good advice behind paywalls these days. As an entrepreneur, the advice that I give interns is that there is no shortcut. There can be paths but you need to work on them! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Freelancing: You’ve got a laptop and phone, so you can jump into freelancing! Whether it’s copywriting, social media management, or virtual assistance, platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are great places to start. You can create a free profile and start applying for jobs right away.

Affiliate Marketing: If you like the idea of promoting products, affiliate marketing could be perfect. You can share product links on your social media or blog and earn commissions when people buy. It’s a simple way to get started without needing any upfront costs.

Online Tutoring/Consulting: Got knowledge to share? You can offer tutoring or consulting services in whatever area you're skilled at. Sites like are perfect for this! You can even offer a free intro session to build trust before moving into paid consultations.

Sell Digital Products: If you’re creative, you could design digital products like templates, eBooks, or graphics. Platforms like Gumroad and Etsy make it easy to sell these online.

No need to wait for big investments – these are all things you can start right away, and they’ll help you make those first sales fast!

#FreelancerLife #EarnOnline #SideHustle #AffiliateMarketing #DigitalProducts #OnlineConsulting

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