Anna Bruce Your personal listener and advisor

A final year Bsc psychology hons student with various internships and experience in the field of mental health, specifically counseling and therapy.

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Balancing time in your business as well as planning for further can be hard, but not impossible! If you have a business and you are full time working in it, try to get 15-20 mins and clear your mind by setting a goal for future. Get a journal everyday write something you want for a week and then next week in that 15-29 mins search about opportunities in the things that you wrote. Consult a career counselor or advisor ( you can contact me as well) and dont rush into decisions. Prioritise your choice and work more towards it. Also, maybe having a drop year to focus on broadening your business and getting more time to decide for further education can also help! I hope this answer gives you some enlightenment, you can chat about it more with me

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