GAURAV KUMARhelped 8000+ individuals teaching manifold topics

Cofounder at Millionaire Gyan, 20+ Years experience in teaching entrepreneurship, self-development, leadership and technology subjects like data analysis, Scrum, Business analysis, Project management, PM Tools and AI.

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As a Cashgrowth Strategist for Small, medium, micro organization and entrepreneurs, I encountered many had similar challenges. In my last 20+ years of coaching experience, I figured out different solutions are needed for different people. However, here is my generic solution to the above question:

Although there are multiple methods. You can follow a few top ones.

1. Jotter method - Simply writing your expectations or all in mind will help you to be less stressed first.
2. Then follow the MoSCOw method to identify the priority of the top tasks.
3. Use the Eisenhower Matrix to identify what to do first.
4. Once you have this clarity, divide the above steps for your learning/education too.
5. Timebox: Both activities are in timeslots.
6. Use any online tracker to punch in your activities into that.
7. Follow with tracker on a daily basis.

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