Should I Care About an Exit Plan?by Wil SchroterWe all know that there's a possibility of selling our company, but how much planning can we really do to make that happen?Continue
Angel Investor Tax Credits: Everything You Need to Knowby The Startups TeamDid you know that both you and your investors could potentially save millions in state and federal tax credits?Continue
The Best and Worst Company Culture Examplesby The Startups TeamIf you're trying to build your startup's company culture, a great place to start is with where other companies have gone right -- and where they've gone wrong. Here are nine examples of company culture and what you can learn from them.Continue
Feeling Like a Founder Fraud by Wil SchroterAs Founders, we feel like we're supposed to be certain. Yet when we dig deep, why is it that we can't find any foundation to build that certainty?Continue
How Do "Founder Therapy Groups" Work? by Wil SchroterImagine sitting in a room where every person across from you is dealing with the same crazy startup shit that you are — and everyone is willing to talk about it, openly and honestly. Continue
I'm Killing Myself. How is Everyone Else Finding Work/Life Balance? by Wil SchroterWe're supposed to believe that we can build a world-changing startup while simultaneously traveling to exotic places and enjoying our "best life." For most of us, that just doesn't add up. Continue
What is Company Culture?by The Startups TeamYou've heard of company culture -- but what is it, exactly? Here's your answer, along with a guide on how to build a great company culture for your startup, from a founder who's been there..Continue
How to Shut Down Gracefully by Wil SchroterEveryone talks about starting companies — yet no one ever tells us how to shut them down. Here's a useful approach to winding down gracefully. Continue
Everything You Need to Know About EINsby The Startups TeamConfused about EINs? Not sure your startup needs one? Here's what you need to know.Continue
Growth Isn't Always Good by Wil SchroterIt's time to have a discussion around making our startups better, not just bigger.Continue