Wait a Minute before Giving Away Equityby Wil SchroterThe most expensive decisions we will ever make as a Founder all come at the beginning — when we are most vulnerable.Continue
20 Best Kinds of Startups for 2023by Ryan RutanIt is difficult to predict the specific types of startups that will be most successful in 2023 with a multitude of various factors involved, but we've broken down a helpful list of 20 of the best kinds of startups to start in 2023 for your convenience.Continue
Choosing The Right Type Of Website For Your Businessby Sarah HumphreysWe've created this comprehensive guide to help you on your website-building journey. Join us and fellow community members as we break down which type of website would be best for your business.Continue
13 Key Business Plan Componentsby The Startups TeamA comprehensive guide to the major parts of a business plan. From elements like the executive summary, to product descriptions, traction, and financials, we'll guide you on all of the key sections you should include.Continue
Startup Founders and Co-Founders — Everything You Need to Knowby The Startups TeamYou've heard the terms "founder" and "co-founder." But what do you really know about them? Here's everything you need to know.Continue
What Is a Startup Company, Anyway?by Emma McGowanWhat is a startup? Let these startup founders clear it up once and for all.Continue
What do Startup Founders Need to Know About the Product Development Process?by The Startups TeamHow do you develop a new product? Here's everything you need to know about the product development process.Continue
Equity Doesn't Mean Equalby Wil SchroterA 50/50 equity split wins simply by being the path of least resistance — which is ironic considering it’s setting off the most difficult path possible for everyone involved.Continue
Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s): What You Need to Knowby The Startups TeamA comprehensive guide to Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), what they are, how to form one step-by-step, advantages and disadvantages, as well as examples, comparisons to other business types, and some FAQs.Continue
5 Keys to Strengthening Your Online Reputationby Jennifer TomlinsonTo cultivate a healthy online reputation, companies need to constantly demonstrate why people should come to them as industry leaders and trustworthy partners.Continue