What's a Cap Table and Why do I Care?by Wil SchroterFor many of us who have no idea what a cap table is, here's a quick primer.Continue
How Do I Fire a Co-Founder? by Wil SchroterLet's talk a little bit about what a "co-founder divorce" looks like, and what we can do to prepare if and when that time comes.Continue
Should I Care About an Exit Plan?by Wil SchroterWe all know that there's a possibility of selling our company, but how much planning can we really do to make that happen?Continue
Why Aren't Investors Responding to Me?by Wil SchroterTired of emailing dozens of investors and getting nothing but radio silence? Here's how you can change that. Continue
Your Advisors Are Probably Wrong by Wil SchroterAs Founders, it's not our job to take orders from advisors. It's our job to learn from them and determine our own marching orders. Continue
When to Fold the Tents by Wil SchroterThere's a point at which our startups are building our future. But there's also a point at which our startups are destroying our future.Continue
3 Ways to Make Your Employees Feel Involved and Invested During a Transformationby MaryLee SachsContinue
The 13 Top Reasons Why Startups Failby Emma McGowanFailure is an essential part of the startup ecosystem - but no one wants to fail. To help you avoid that fate, here are the top reasons why startups fail.Continue
When Should You Listen to Your Startup Mentor?by Emma McGowanThe right startup mentor can catapult your company to the next level. But when is their advice good -- and when should it be left on the table? Startup mentors and mentees break it down to basics. Continue
Letters to a Startup CEOby George KassabgiIn the beginning it feels like entrepreneurial ambitions revolve around titles, money, notoriety, but in the end it must be about something else.Continue