
This depends on the mental condition of the person. Ask them to mediate which will give them power of self love.


Hi, by "story writing" do you mean you're writing fiction stories / books? If so, I can give you fast tips in 15 minutes, tops - no need to go longer. In the past 12 days I've written 37,000 words of a book using AI to turn my own experience into rapid, high quality content, and can show you how ...


Hi Valentin, Have you considered splitting the research phase and the development phase? You can quote a fixed amount for the research phase (I'm sure you can estimate this in weeks and take the hit if you go over). You can say to the client that you will quote the development once the research ...


Hi Valentin, For projects that are fairly open-ended, you can provide a fixed quote that takes into account enough buffer to ensure you are safe. The downside is that could mean losing the opportunity due to having a price that's not competitive. However, that's better than risking your business...


There are a many ways to setup payment in online marketplace. Here are a few examples: 1. Use a credit card processing service - This is the most common way to handle payments, and it's easy to set up. You just need to sign up with a reputable company and enter your billing and shipping informat...


In order to calculate combined velocity, you need to know the total amount of time that each team is spending on the story, as well as how much work they are producing per hour. Then, you can divide this number by the number of hours in a day, and multiply this figure by 100 to get your combined ...


Investors are notoriously fickle - they scare easily. It's a survival instinct, and it keeps good firms alive. That said, this is certainly not a huge red flag - just a yellow one to proactively address. If the split wasn't publicized as one over fundamental inability to work together well, you s...


There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the funniest way to introduce a high-end sticker to an art market will vary depending on the art market in question. However, some general tips that may be useful include, creating buzz around the sticker in advance by posting about it on s...


Puedes desarrollar una unidad de negocio o crear un producto externo. Algo como hace Microsoft (Microsoft teams, outlook, etc) o como hace Alibaba que es un holding empresarial (aliexpress, alipay, etc). En cuanto acciones,si es algo que se crea de la misma empresa. No todos los que trabajen en e...


Yes, there are quality services that can help fix your spam issues. However, before you can hire a spam removal service, you first need to identify the source of your spam. There are a number of ways to do this, including using anti-spam software or tools, checking for unusual email addresses or ...


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