
hello nice question ,my advice is to visit your area developers and contact to marketing or sales department and check their website or social media handle what kind of video they are posting and according to that you can check what kind of video and tools they are missing to reach audience and y...


Please provide me with more details and I will be happy to check if I can point you in the right direction. What is the tech? Defense of what? Cyber? What stage are you at? What is your background? Is the software ready? How was it written. So much missing info...


If it's feasible then yes. But in this industry you really(!) need to know what you are doing! Many have tried and failed. Consider leasing an airplane first to see if there's demand and if the economics of the business make sense. Good luck


You definitely want a contract in place. Depending on whether you're a full partner (with 33 or 50% equity) vs a contributing member, you may want to use a SAFE or simple agreement for future equity. Splits in work and responsibility are definitely tough, especially when you're offering a very ...


Hello, I'm Muntasir Al Qawasmi I would like to say, in general terms, that the use of what was mentioned, Google and Amazon are quick and innovative solutions, and if used, it is for backup copies. But in the case of a large company and a large number of daily data, I recommend creating a special...


If you are targeting runners, I'm sure that you have targeted actual races, where you can be a vendor and sell coffee to the spectators as well. To find running groups, try Facebook Groups, there are a ton of running groups in different towns. Also look up fitness/shoe stores as sometimes they pu...


Contact me for my counseling service. It is the cheapest service here. I will give you strategies and secrets that will prepare you very much. I hope you keep them for yourself only because it is the fruit of the effort of years of experience.


Contact me for my counseling service. It is the cheapest service here. I will give you strategies and secrets that will prepare you very much. I hope you keep them for yourself only because it is the fruit of the effort of years of experience.


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