
Results for: Strategic Planning

Most people are lazy. They won't do anything other than daydream about becoming your competition. Next point: if the barrier to entry to your marketplace is low, then it's all about selling. Rather than focusing on features or what you do ("We make websites"; who cares?), start talking about ser...


I think at this stage there are a couple things to research 1) your audience and their behavior in trying new things 2) Test it out... it's really hard to tell unless you try it and see what works. Most companies are using the freemium approach only cuz it makes sense with their product/service b...


Hi there, I have 6+ years of experience selling enterprise software and one of the products I sold at Oracle included their SaaS LMS application as part of the whole HCM suite. Your question about comp definitely depends on the industry, location of the individual, experience level, average dea...


After advising and marketing for tech companies for over 13 years, and for as much as I value my own profession, there is no escaping this path: Start by getting your first 10 customers. No joke. That is harder than it looks. You can do this via social media, cold calling, personal networks, do...


You don't create a business plan in the traditional sense of a business plan. It's a totally inefficient and outdated way to think about how to start, run and grow an app-based business. The best way to pitch investors is with the app itself. That is to say, unless you and your team have relev...


Hi The best method in which to learn how to manage your relationship with the distributors, would be to read as many (at least 2-3) distributor agreements - as this will give you a good understanding of what to avoid/focus on/address when dealing with them. You can find some free examples online....


Assuming links work here, a couple good articles:


Honestly, through trial and error. Be lean and nimble. If something is not working, change. If it does work, keep sticking your bucket down the hole until the well runs dry.


1. 4 year vest with 1 year cliff 2. Your option pool is based on what you and your lawyer have allocated. 3. Usually it is a 10-15% option pool for future employees. 4. You can grant more options to each employee based on performance. Many ways to do it. There is no one size fits all.


The way we usually do it it: Objective A,B,C. Action A, Result A, Action B, Result B. You want to make sure you're clear about your objectives and the client knows what success will look like weeks/months from now. Simple Headers and bullet-points are enough. This is a good example of really simp...


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