
Results for: Startup Consulting

One is a SERVICE. Services sometimes have issues with profitability when scaling. You end up managing people and profit margins stay the same or decrease. The other is a PRODUCT. Products generally scale better as the cost of product remains more or less the same (COGS). Many people start cons...


Back when I started LinkedIn wasn't as huge as it is now. I wish it was. I didn't have a large network and those networking sessions NEVER brought me any clients. I used to go to all sorts of them hoping to get clients. There were a couple of nibbles here and there, but never anything serious. Th...


Most expenses (in most countries) that are directly related to the advancing your business are tax deductible. For example, marketing on FB or Google Ads, using an attorney or other counsel - like on clarity. Good luck


What matters is the _ratio_ of UX to benefit. For example, if the user will benefit immensely from your product (e.g. they will automatically get $1 million once they find their way to a certain part of your website and click a button), then they will be willing do deal with a pretty horrible U...


Most of mine come from being eternally curious about the world around me - questioning how things are done, why things are done a certain way. Ideas tend to strike me when something happens that either makes me happy or excited (which I then want to make repeatable or shareable with the world)...


I help clients leverage and monetize their patents in a variety of ways. One of the best methods is to attend and exhibit at trade shows in your field. Targeting startups may be one approach, but that's not the only market for your patent. I'd be happy to talk with you about identifying the be...


It is a very good idea to have a consultation marketplace for finance experts. The customers will be able to ask questions and if they find suitable answers they can get on a call with the experts. Since you have already found answers to the questions below: - What is the problem? - Who are you...


i think is common, I know I have. specially in situations when dealing with deadlines and or pivot phases... such as product validation or growth... even pitching angles to VCs. best thing to do is reassure your leadership position, understand values and come to a mid point agreement that reflect...


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