
Results for: Startup Consulting

Before even beginning to think about launching your project you need to evaluate why you want to do it at all. Just doing it "because" is going to make you go mad, you'll want a reason to do it because it will be taking much of your time up. Make sure you go over strengths and weaknesses . If you...


I build API systems daily for myself + clients. Also other on-demand non-API systems. To provide you an answer requires a starting point + gathering a good bit of context. Best if you book calls with me + other people who build this type of software daily. Tip: Here's how I approach this for ...


My answer might seem a bit too simple, but anyway: why not put both - your direct number for people who prefer to first 'get to know you' before scheduling a consult, and the Clarity widget for people who already know what they want, and just need some quick advice. Just take into account that i...


Yes it could work. It depends on so many things. Structurally it could work. I have experience with creating a "moveable stage". Alternative venues like this are becoming more and more popular and super trendy. I compare this in some ways to food trucks. There are many things to consider though....


LinkedIn is very good for finding people for all kinds of business relationships, but you encounter most new connections in a very roundabout and indirect way: through your own network. It can be slow going. But I recently found out about Purple Squirrel, which is specifically for job seekers l...


I guess this depends a lot on what sort of questions you are talking about. If it's life and love and "soft" things like that, intuition is probably better than any decision based on "data", what ever that would be. On the other hand, if you just have an intuition that you should set the price at...


So the bar patrons drive the value, right? If your fellow students start using the app (and start asking the guy at the door, "Can I pay the cover with XX app?"), then the bar owners will be the easy part. Focus your efforts on driving adoption. If you've already got 2 bars on the hook, then prin...


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