
Results for: Startup Consulting

Unless you have a need to show a substantial equity, usually starting the corporation (assuming that's the type of entity you want) with $1,000 is ok. Then the remainder ($49k in this case) is entered as a loan. That way, once you have the cash back in the business account, you're not worried a...


You should consider purchasing a company already in business that provides those services in one of the "business friendly states", Delaware, Texas, Nevada. Doing so will set you apart from your competitors and will give you credibility based on the reputation of the company you are purchasing.


I think the best place to start is your startup's net worth which includes all assets, the salaries of your staff, and total sales. Say for instance, your business' net worth is $300,000. That's a good middle ground starting point, but your price to this other company can rise or drop from there....


My suggestion would be to connect (face to face if possible, Skype otherwise) with a couple from each category of users quickly (and multiple genres if that is an important category for differentiation) and then look to work towards the MVP,before getting more feedback (and ideally sales). Impor...


Are you a professional? (I assume you'll say that you are) As such, you deserve to be paid for your service and skill. Rather than offer your services for free, focus your efforts on understanding the need of your big-brand clients. You can underpromise and over deliver without sacrificing the...


Like anything to do with a startup, it's about proactive outreach. AngelList is a great way to research what people have done before. You want to optimize for relevant experience. AngelList however is very ineffective for making cold connections. Instead, I use LinkedIn and ensure to always w...


In my experience, every step you take to complicate your company's structure and ownership rights reduces the likelihood of investors providing your venture with seed funding. To attract seed funding, investors expect a single-minded laser focus on the entrepreneurs' assessment of his or her bes...


Build and iterate the idea, and your understanding of the type of person that would want to buy it. Make each iterative step as you gain enough confidence to invest the time and money needed to take that step. For instance, you can start by asking friends and family while it's still just an ide...


Without more information on your intention and the target market's use for the application, itself, the simple answer is "yes." Many digital products available for US consumers are developed/launched outside of the States.


I think that's a hard question to answer in the abstract without knowing the extent of your IP, the relative market potential for the product, your desire or need for institutional investment, and the relative contributions of your future potential partners. Have you considered a dynamic equity s...


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