
Results for: Start-ups

Greater risk = greater equity. How likely is this to fail or just break even? If you aren't receiving salary yet are among 4-6 non-founders with equivalent sweat investment, all of whom are lower on the totem pole than the two founders, figure out: 1) Taking into account all likely outcomes, w...


You might be able to share this and teach courses on Udemy! This is what I do and it works really well! A year ago I was at the brink of losing my startup and now I have transitioned to teaching 18 courses on Udemy full time. You are welcome to chat with me for a few minutes to see where your bi...


A great team looks like this - 2 full stack engineers. They can manage servers, security, build features and code front end JS/interactions. - 1 visual designer focused on product, information architecture, UX and flows. - 1 front end developer who can take designs and built out killer interacti...


It doesn't look like any of the answers given have actually answered the question you posed -- so I'll do my best: The best place to look is within your OWN personal networks. At the end of the day, a co-founder is very similar to having a husband or wife. Your life will be tied to this perso...


Biggest is probably the product-market fit. Is your product or service helping (enough) people solve a problem or fulfill a need? This is the biggest question a startup is trying to answer. You have to answer this question within a "finite time" and with "limited resources". So it really comes...


Hello, I have some experience with this from past companies and startups. I'm a current investor in 2 and have experience pitching. Email me whatever thoughts you have and I'll try to help.


I have found CrossComm in Durham, NC to be among the best. Sean, their tech lead, really helped us at Reveal Mobile. They are reasonably priced with an impressive client roster (Duke, LG, T-Mobile, etc...). See and just give them a call at 919-667-9432.


Never launch before your value prop is clear. If your product is new and innovative you must pair it with affordability. If you have that even a buggy incomplete value prop will be preordered and otherwise welcomed. If your value prop is unclear you won't be able to efficiently edit and then re ...


The key to understanding if you are going in the right direction from a product standpoint is to get it in front of users - so if you haven't let some of your potential end users spend time with the product, or at least put the concept in front of them to solicit feedback - that would be priority...


One idea that's worked well for my clients has been to create a Skunk Works, which is effectively an autonomous, outside-the-bureaucracy, kinda-sorta-secret R&D team. I've been on these teams before, and if they're truly left alone with a pile of ideas and resources, they can accomplish incredib...


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