
Results for: Start-ups

There is a difference between your product being open source versus the tech stack you use to build it being open source. You use email to conduct your business, and that's based on an open standard! Whoever told you it's "absolutely imperative" that you use Rails instead of an "open" language l...


That will depend on your nationality. If you are a citizen in either country, the governments have various organizations that will help. If you are not then you need to do a business plan and start pitching it. Without one, you will have no chance and certainly not from a website. Everybody will...


I'm not sure if this is how you imagine this world to work, but at least according to the order you wrote it "raising funds" was first. In reality it should actually be one of your final steps of the stage you are at right now. It may even come after a year or two! So you have this great app i...


You would have to be a little bit more specific. But what I would suggest you do is to go to and look for startup events in your area, also search for Startup Weekend events. Good luck!


One word: Royalties This means you generate the idea and develop it enough to look interesting to a larger company who would be willing to pay you a royalty for your idea. This happens all the time. Rock stars, authors and scientists routinely license their creative ideas to other companies who ...


If it's SaaS, you should be monetizing from day one. An MVP in SaaS is the minimal product that people will pay for, that's the starting point. You evolved the product from there. If it's a consumer app, that's a little more complicated. Often times, monetizing preemptively can stunt growth and ...


Two: (a) Top-line growth and (b) Cancellations. I like businesses where "growth" means "revenue," otherwise to me it's only an indication that people are mildly interested rather than proof that it's a *business* that is turning into a validated business model. But of course with consumer often...


See my earlier posting on 3 tiered memberships and backend purchases of goods and services. If you don't think about your backend you can work your backend off with little or no profit to show. Michael T. Irvin


7 2/4 wood circle saw, 6 inch nails and depending on the area space you trying to transcript is the amount sheet rock


Hello! Aside from the typical website platforms, I would recommend using Twitter's hashtags and user handles. Try following and using the ones that your potential prospect or otherwise ideal partners would be following and start sharing about your work, your progress, and outreach for a potential...


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