
Results for: Start-ups

It's never too late to develop your first app. The most successful companies/apps are started by people with unique perspectives targeting like minded customers. As a 41 year old, you certainly have insights and perspectives that others do not. Are you looking to develop the app, yourself, or a...


That's usually the case with early start-up entrepreneurs wherein every one struggles to create a "Happy Equity Index" to be able to decide the right proportion of equity division. In your case, it seems there are too many stakeholders with diverse contribution to the business. Hence, all of yo...


It is tricky but not possible. Having been in your situation I can appreciate the challenge that lies ahead. Investors took for signals to create reassurance and trust, things that are generally tangible like an MVP, initial customers, the first proofs that customers are willing to pay and a pr...


Hi This is a very broad question on: 'what makes someone a successful entrepreneur?' and 'how to raise seed funding?' Entire books have been written on how this is done, so any attempt to give you a professional answer in just a few lines would be unprofessional. Nevertheless, I will say that th...


That's a huge question that can only be answered with the "depends" word! But a good way to start is to look at the market. Doing a market analysis to give you an idea about the demand and competitors would be a good way to start. Then look at your production costs - is this a product you can li...


Simply put, If under 18, I'd instruct the student to persuade his parents to start a LLC, Trust, or Corporation. Analyzing what would be profitable and locating passion projects within the venture. I'd show the student how easy building business credit is when you have a business and how much le...


You need to stock the shelves with products that your customers want to buy, but you don't need to create a Wal-mart size store right away. You are right to focus on one local market first. Figure out how many transactions you need to prove product/market fit and then work backwards. If you ne...


I would suggest you search for and read out blogs. I can't think of any entrepreneurs who aren't also blogging. I have two blogs: and


Absolutely. There is no residence requirement or immigration status required to legally start a company in the US. I have addressed this on my law firm's blog: In terms of getting to the US ...


Fantastic question! First, a little about me and why I am qualified to answer. My father served 19 years of a 20 year sentence in prison where he passed and I had challenging background. I never met my birth mother and met my birth father at the age of 18. I've been on my own since I was 16 an...


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