
Results for: Start-ups

Start experimenting by putting the 2 things in place you say you are missing: 1. create a validated learning model 2. Stop focusing on vanity metrics; replace with user growth, cohort analysis or growth metrics. Do not just read Lean principles; APPLY them. Also, What are you doing to brand yo...


To play devil's advocate here, does the second company need to survive? Meaning mainly: is there a large enough potential for long-term gain to keep pushing on it? As entrepreneurs, it can be tempting to put a lot of irons in the fire in hopes one of them really takes off. It's understandable — ...


It depends on the stage of your company, your vertical, and finally, your budget. All of the aforementioned networks have hundreds of thousands of affiliates, but finding those key affiliates who will help you move the needle is a challenge - regardless of the network. It's a long slow process, ...


First, congratulations on your recent funding/recruitment successes! This is an excellent question, and a transaction I have been directly or indirectly involved with numerous times before. Each circumstance can be unique, the two most important considerations to look at as a starting point wou...


Oh this is a long question to answer, but let me start with my experience. I'm the "outsourced COO" for a number of small businesses who have grown through their bootstrapping phase, proven they have a market and all of sudden start feeling the pressure of the business expanding. 9 times out of 1...


I recently went trough this with and previously with Find a channel that already carries one side and, find out if you can 'borrow' their content or access to people. For example you can scrape yellow pages listings for car dealerships ( filling u...


This is a complicated question that likely requires legal advice particular to the startup. However, compensating employees at a seed stage typically takes the form of stock options or restricted stock units (RSU)s. Stock options essentially give you the right to buy shares at a certain price (“...


Develop executable strategy and prioritized action list... The devil is in details of course. And lots depend on the field and type of business you are trying to build. I mentor a lot to startups and formal accelerator programs. Glad to discuss if there is an interest.


It is difficult to give you a clear answer without knowing more about your company and product. Are you looking to sell or just want someone to advise you on what/how to do it?


I respectfully disagree with Lane. I don't think that his suggestions are going to to yield results for this site. A 200,000 rank on Alexa isn't actually traction. Sign-ups by themselves aren't worth much until you get to the high tens of thousands, and even that number isn't worth much in a...


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