
Results for: Start-ups

Hi, your question and your statement following are about two different things. A video recording and a webinar are not the same thing. A webinar is a live event that is recorded into video format. You invite people to attend, get them on a list, remind them to appear at the right time and place,...


Only do things that move you closer to shipping. I'd also look at ruthlessly cutting scope so you can get your product out the door. Most importantly, focus on making consistent progress every day or week so you can actually ship your product and start getting revenue from it.


For software startups it's more common to use a Delaware corporation. It gives you more flexibility when adding cofounders or giving out stock to early employees ( something you'll have to do to attract the best ). If you are seeking outside investment, you'll end up doing a DE C-corp prior to g...


To start with, create a "No-To-List" of non-action items. It will help you keep your focus intact on the actual and planned goals. It will also help the team's focus to move in unison. Talking about "To-Do" list of laundry items, start with assessing your internal capability, external requiremen...


First, congratulations! This sounds like an exciting opportunity. However, part ownership/partnership can be tricky. What happens if you disagree down the road? What happens if someone gets sick, dies, or has to leave the company for any reason? What happens if there is a divorce and a spouse who...


I think my advice here ( also applies to this question. To create a brand story, focus less on the brand and more on the story of your ideal customer. What do they struggle with? What problem are they...


Take a look at how other companies with similar problem resolved it, for example: AirBnB, Uber, TaskRabbit and others. Every one of them, unless they were extremely lucky with timing, used a narrow geographic focus, approaching established communities and fulfilling demand for one side by hand ...


Hi! It seems like you're early on in regards to developing your idea still. (Not saying you haven't thought of it for a while) It appears that the idea might still need more refining. The hardest and most valuable things an entrepreneur can do early on is simplify the business and idea as much as...


Hi, you need someone that has done investment before. An investor is better than a startup founder that has raised capital. An investor looks daily at a startup pitch and knows exactly what are the key elements that a pitch need to be interesting. Fundraising is a full-time job and a lot of start...


Denial of Service protection is a key component of your perimeter defense along with your firewall, intrusion detection/prevention and continuous monitoring. There are several managed service providers that you can choose from. The first vendor you should contact is your Internet Service Provide...


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