
Results for: Start-ups

Answer with the truth. And perhaps follow their question up with a question such as "Why do you ask?" This serves 2 key purposes: 1. It helps you get to the root of what they are looking for / need / want. And regardless of whether you get that particular client's business or not - you gain v...


I would start with google analytics. If you configure it correctly you can get quite far down the line for free. Once you start seeing revenue and need more detail you can move over to one of the more premium or paid for systems.


Great question! Many of my startup clients are in the technology space, which is very strong at the moment. Those who are able to support business shifts for Covid are doing well. Others in different verticals are having different challenges. Sounds like what you provide is a great opportunity to...


Raising money is a choice, if you can self funded until the concept is proven and you start getting traction, don't give up equity early on. In any round, you give up a piece of the pie, the longer you are able to self fund, the better the end result for you. You will be in strong position if y...


U can look at or u can read this


Sometimes a country that is generally in your market region may be better set up to support startups. I know, for example, that Israel has a tremendous startup infrastructure and accelerators, as does Latin America and Asia. So I would begin by asking about your industry and your target region to...


Hi, 4a: There are various 'models' that you can use to estimate how many shares/percentages your new partner should get. These include (a) his/her investment in time and/or money, (b) the current + potential value of the company, (c) the time and/or money that you as the original founder alread...


Simple answer. Assign the ownership of the patent prior to closing any investment that is sufficient to market validate your invention. Investors will require an absolute assignment of ownership of any intellectual property. Given that you don't actually have a patent yet, you will be doing a ...


In any business to business sales situation, you need to evaluate who is involved in the decision chain that leads to a purchase. Typically, there are at least three parties involved. These are: Your Champion, who noticed your product, and decided it would be a great fit for his organization. Th...


There is certainly value in starting customer discovery interviews. And no reason to wait for the delay that creating a landing page and waiting to collect emails would take. I would just advise that you get clear on your hypotheses about who your target customer is so you talk to the right kind...


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