
Results for: Start-ups

I think as a first-time entrepreneur who is non-technical, you should focus 100% of your energy on your clothing business with your buddy. There is far less required to make a clothing business a success than a startup run by a non-technical founder. I don't mean to trivialize the challenges of...


If you're asking about how to *start* spreading the word, my fear for you is that you haven't done sufficient customer development to validate the need for your app and inform your core product thesis. Failure to do so will almost always end-up in product failure. If this is the case, you might...


When you do the interview you can show a mind map to show what you can do for them, printed out step by step, laminated. Just how you can achieve their business goals. If they ask to keep this print out, you tell them no this is "propriety" to my business. (PROPRIETARY 1: one that possesses, o...


It's not the number of people visiting your website, it's the number of people returning, that matters; especially when you are talking about online client experience. Consider yourself your client. What would you want? 1. Easy to reach services? 2. Clear design? 3. Your friends following the br...


Paid traffic via Google AdWords will be your quickest/easiest option. Setup a couple of campaigns around highly-relevant and low-cost keywords. Target KW's that are very specific and you'll get them for less cost-per-click. (CPC) You can turn the funnel off as soon as you get enough users for te...


A couple of quick notes to add on top of some good answers: 1. Have you done any blogging / writing around the concept? If so make sure you have google analytics on your site and you have demographics functionality turned on. You will get some good high level demographic info on who is interes...


You have two choices: add the talent to manage the PR and marketing activities to your team or outsource it. A good source of names if you wish to outsource it can be found here


Yes, every once in a while the planets align. Some questions to consider: Is there a significant other contributing cash flow to the home budget? Is there a nest egg? 401K or other instrument that can be cashed in if [and only if] all else fails? Define startup? Is it bricks & mortar? High ov...


1) Look up local universities and email the chairperson of whichever programs relate to the type of cofounder you need (i.e. electrical engineering, marketing, etc.). You could even possibly go there in person and put up a sign on a bulletin board. 2) There may be relevant Meetups in your area, ...


As someone who is deeply involved with startup studios, here are a few hints. 1. First, calculate your optimal scale of operations. In our startup studio this was about 12-15 people core team + dedicated ceo-s for each startup experiment 2. Raise funds for the studio, for at least 12-18 months. Y...


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