
Results for: Social Media

Groups are mostly formed of individuals. So, what do individuals mostly look for in a social media? Individuals can use the social media for personal reasons, which may be for keeping in touch with the latest technology, news, gossip, and happenings around the world or in their own locality. Soci...


Content optimization is about producing content that your audience find valuable. You can start with optimizing existing page content rather than focusing on producing new content on your blog. Here, optimize titles, descriptions, headings and messaging for topical/keyword focus. You can also l...


I think you are looking for a small button to go alongside Facebook and LinkedIn? Great idea! While this is not an official answer, I would think you could create a button that links to your clarity profile and add it to your site, ie, "Find me on Clarity," depending upon your technical expertise.


The one thing SEO, social media, website development, email, etc. all have in common is they need people to make them great content. So, jobs involved with writing, graphic design, and content research/strategists are all in high demand and will be for the foreseeable future.


I work closely with an events agency in the UK, and have helped them manage the digital side of some massive events for clients like Samsung and Oracle. I'm also an official TEDx organizer, so I know a bit about the non-digital side as well. I've not come across many social media accounts or bl...


I have always wondered about that model when it's not vertical and anyone can sell anything Digital, Physical or Service. (Gumroad, Selify, etc) Marketplaces tend gain traction faster when they are vertical and specific. My best word of advice would be to select the vertical that's bringing in t...


The first step is measurement. Do you have a gauge as to how long people are engaging with you app? Typically companies use Appsflyer or Kovchava to measure app installs and behavior. Once you can see where and when people are dropping off you can get a good understanding of what dev changes you ...


Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us here, I launched a consulting business almost 10 years ago to leverage my Masters in Strategy and experience with several successful startups. I merged business coaching with marketing and for the past 9 years have been helping small-large organizations glo...


Wish I'd seen this and been able to help you when you posted this 8 days ago. Guess we don't have many executive jobhunting experts available...but anyhow this will help going forward: This is your chance to stand out. Be memorable. Make them say, "We have to talk to this person!" Don't be blan...


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