
Results for: Small Business

I'd say the best source of ideas on more effective referral programs are to ask your referral sources. Even surveying them with a very simple survey could not only provide some added insights but also reinforce your gratitude for their continued loyalty. What you might be under-estimating is ...


I used to work in advertising and saw how colleagues would manipulate analytics to give the client what they wanted. I am extremely weary of paying for advertising with Uberpong. Regarding PR, it is very difficult to measure ROI so I prefer to reach out personally and let media outlets know I can...


Hello Ty, thank you for sharing this with us. I understand how vulnerable you might feel right now. My name is Humberto Valle, I have been helping entrepreneurs for over 8 years now, coaching strategic marketing and contracting for many companies at various phases in various industries across mul...


I have a program that goes through that with you. Delaware is good for incorporation because of its tax laws. But there is much more to consider than just that. First you need to clarify your idea. Determine if you are ready to run a business and have the mindset for it. Then, look at your t...


Hello, I wholesale part time. I have sold multiple products to a variety of different stores. My goal was to never get into a huge department store, it was to provide small mom and pop shops with products that would sell. Steps I took to sell multiple items: 1. Establish a contact person 2. P...


From my experience it is best to assemble a sales team and make them do some cold calling. I believe that speaking to start-ups personally will gain you more companies to post jobs on your platform. I would also advise you to go on LinkdIn and look around the job listings there to see which com...


For this location is very important as you say, firstly conducting some market research and trying to find out where people want a bar is a good idea. Obviously there’s factors such as budget, what options are available and what area you are in etc so there’s only so much i can help. But somewher...


I think my advice here ( also applies to this question. To create a brand story, focus less on the brand and more on the story of your ideal customer. What do they struggle with? What problem are they...


I think differently about this, because of two reasons: 1) I've always (and only) been involved in bootstrapped startups; and 2) I've been lucky that those startups grew organically and fast (enough) which minimized our need on marketing spend. Instead of deciding on a specific budget for this...


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