
Results for: Small Business

This is a very common question, and the short answer is - work hard and don't listen to your naysayers nor your lizard brain. Starting a business doesn't require any capital, but often times many entrepreneurs aren't skillful enough to couple swagger + brute determination + insight. You have to ...


Having been working with and advising companies on how to get great customer feedback for many years, I have a couple of ideas you could try. One of the key assets you have is your customer list. You already have permission to approach them, I assume, so reach out to some to start a dialogue. If...


If you’re interested in buying an e-commerce business successfully you need a lawyer that is experienced in M&A both in the deal size and the e-commerce space. You should then look to follow some best practices from other successful deals. My advice first and foremost would be to identify lawyer...


Please realize that my suggestion would be slightly different if I knew which two countries. However, without knowing that here's what I'd suggestion: 1. Since you're just getting started figure out which country provides the best legal benefits for starting a company. This should include tax be...


Great question, this is something that can be handled with a proper deal structure involving some vendor financing. I recently did a video about this very topic for one of my YouTube followers. Check it out here: You basically make the vendor's outstanding gift ...


What exactly are you looking to accomplish? What type of business segment are you in? do you have any capital? Do you have experience in said field? What makes you want to start "this" type of business. Let me know~


Find someone in that industry and give them a path to partnership. If you want DIY training for online marketing, you can try MarketMotive (nationwide business marketing) or CompeteLeap (local business marketing) or Lynda (random assortments of tech training). If you want to discuss your busine...


There are always two ways to look at any opportunity: 1. It can't be done Vs Why it can't be done? 2. It ain't feasible VS What should be done to make it feasible? 3. Value Vs Profitability= How to achieve the critical balance? 4. Approach, just like David vs Goliath. Is it too big to hit or too...


When it comes to raising money you must remember that risk is a perception. Your job is to drain the risk! Below is a link to a resource I provide my investors. The 50 questions are specific to product design/development but the 15 categories are questions that apply to any industry. If you can...


No. That service is likely a scam. The only way you could obtain an EIN that quickly is if the service company is using an SSN or ITIN of an individual working at their company. This is often referred to as a nominee application. The IRS strictly prohibits nominee applications for an EIN. Un...


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