
Results for: Sales

Well explained question. I have a lot of experience with affiliate marketing (which is very similar to the situation you’re describing). The commission range varies widely depending on the industry, and can be anything between 2%-30% of the sale - depending on how high the sale is (usually, the ...


Hi - I work in HR and have lots of experience designing and implementing commission schemes for a range of sales roles. Happy to support with some more information - to determine the best commission structure you need to be clear on what behaviour or result you want to motivate, and also take i...


I'd highly recommend that you read Jason has written extensively on this subject and knows of what he speaks.


You need a CRM system that manages incoming leads. I am a beta tester for and Stewart there will give you an awesome walk-through.


Work with your Tax Preparer. I'd suggest H&R Block Executive Tax Services to ensure all your filings are correct.


So the real issue isn't whether a marketing person should come from sales - it's whether the marketing person understands that their job is to actually help sell things. My definition of marketing is "profitably solving customer problems" so - baked in there - is understanding the customer and ge...


There are good approaches for Elance/Upwork/oDesk if you approach the job req. correctly. There are also private agencies. I've hired account reps more often via virtual assistant agencies directly than from Elance and it's ilk, but many times I'll use that platform to isolate good candidates and...


It's absolutely possible to get customers / clients without doing any paid advertising. As you suggested - this can be from word of mouth or from a variety of other sources. Effective marketing plans often utilize a broad spectrum of both inbound and outbound strategies. And some business models...


Today’s consumers are entering the buying process much more educated and from a number of entry points. Some will come to your brand based on the recommendation of a friend, others will see a sponsored social media post, others will come in “cold” from a generalized search engine query. Your sale...


Hi Ali! Congrats on getting to that point. I have experience in the baby industry- while I can’t help you on the financial aspect I could help with making sure your POV stands out amongst the rest to get that financial backing. I can also tell you that in order to really get some real traction yo...


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