
Results for: Product Management

You're saying is that your product strikes a middle ground, "providing powerful project management features without the learning curve." Why is no learning curve important? Because it allows teams to transition to it without taking time to do it. Teams that are already using complex products lik...


Hi: Without knowing exactly what your product is, the quick answer is "it depends." Many regional and national retailers do allow for some portion of local discretion in their product mix, but they handle it in different ways. Some have local buyers, some have regional buyers and yes, some have y...


If your team is releasing updates constantly & there are edits to the list of features to do, Kanban would be the way to go. AGILE is best when everything is defined and would not change. I work in a company that worked on AGILE. But the nature of our team's work would constantly have numerous c...


I use any resource at my disposal, but I think it comes down to a little formula that takes in these two data points: 1) what am I trying to build? 2) what are my strengths? Here's how it works. I basically calculate a "success probability outcome score" based on these two factors. Here are som...


Don't Outsource. Period. While there are big drawbacks with outsourcing related to building internal expertise the real reason I would never outsource at your stage is the need for speed and flexibility. Per your description, you are an early stage start-up with a MVP that is gathering data....


To directly answer your question, different products have different requirements and are subject to different regulations. And each product and product category should be evaluated individually. You can check the government link for some related info.


Hi Heavily depends on you payback time for customer (how long in months it takes you to get money back invested in acquiring them). If it is more than 12 months than you have to work on reducing the cost of acquisition. Without lowering the cost (and lowering the payback time) the growth wthout ...


Are you looking at this subject from a marketing or management of growth point of view? In other words are you asking how to grow or how to manage and track growth? Michael


Your skills would be most useful if you were starting your own startup and needed to make an early prototype to show to investors or potential cofounder developers. Your experience in debugging, testing, and agile, could help you get a job as a product manager, and the fact that you have a back...


Every company is different in terms of how they handle the interview process, but when it comes to companies like Facebook and Google, I have heard that knowing current employees is a big help especially if they have worked with you before. Besides that, I would say their process is differently n...


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