
Results for: Product Development

I would be shocked if a company of that size didn't patent a ton of things that involve their Kindle business -- paperwhite is a big selling point to them so if they didn't patent it originally, I'd expect that to have bought it or licensed it from whoever did.


Hey, 1. If your product/software requires above 50 hours of programming then you don't need to worry about anyone 'stealing' your idea. This rarely happens. 2. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The difficult part is the execution (and marketing). 3. If your product/service can be created in a number o...


Hi! First of all i recommend to pitch your product to a community that represents your market , then give them free access to basic features that will complete most common scenarios and create premium features that will convert happy customers to paid users. I'd be happy to talk further with yo...


Hi! I work for a Injection Molding company. Injection molded grades of plastic will behave differently than Blow Molding Grades, sheet plastic or extruded grades. I could write an encyclopedia here on this subject as it is very complicated and there are a lot of different types of plastics and...


This is a difficult question to answer without a lot more info, but I'll share some high-level strategy. 1) Develop your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) in your new markets. Until you do this, you're just "doing stuff" without clear direction. 2) Identify the likely decision-makers in your market....


No. But here are my two cents. Look only for a company who does not rely heavily in one other products besides what would be yours. Also, don't select a distributor who has a similar product as yours. You put them in a bind, even if they say they won't be affected in their decision making of w...


They're a Russian company organized in Estonia. I did a quick search of the USPTO, Estonian and Russian patent databases and that didn't turn up any of the inventors' names nor the name of their company "Magnetic IP OU." If you're interested in licensing their technology, which they claim is p...


product developer position is the really sensitive task to perform in real time industry. You are creating a product that needs to full fill the requirements of end user which is essential and useful for them. Now in 60 days > Your learn about the product strategy what is the essential need of en...


Is impossible to give you any advice w/o any further information. Can you elaborate for me please? I'd be more than happy to help you out on this. Google me and email me if you wish.


Think about the entire sense of the product that the consumer gets, this includes your website, what you sound like on the phone if/when they call, your logo, the packaging of your product, etc. These are all relatively small things that you could tweak that would have a disproportionally large e...


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