
Results for: Product Development

Below is a link to a resource I provide my investors. The 50 questions are specific to product design/development but the 15 categories are questions that apply to any industry. If you can answer these questions about your deal you will have gone a long way to avoiding the common pitfalls in the...


Face to Face will always be better. The reason is because to get to the root of an issue or to what really drives a person, you need to ask WHY 5 times. Only then you can offer a solution that will be irresistible to your prospects. Let's try with an email survey. 1. What is your biggest strug...


Happy to offer a call to discuss specific questions you have. It seems you have several regarding product, solutions and funding?


That's awesome. You are at a first stage of building a MOOC, a Massive Open Online Course portal. I worked in the growth team of a UK startup that reached an explosive growth in 2015. I like your approach you applied the "don't scale" ap...


Selling to enterprise customers is about demonstrating value while reducing risk. You will need to show irrefutable proof that your solution will address a pain - ideally, one that is both urgent and important (Eisenhower matrix/Covey). The best way is to point to tangible examples of where you h...


Your skills would be most useful if you were starting your own startup and needed to make an early prototype to show to investors or potential cofounder developers. Your experience in debugging, testing, and agile, could help you get a job as a product manager, and the fact that you have a back...


I understand your requirement very well. You can find drop shipping companies for these products/brands. There are multiple wholesalers, and drop shippers however here are a few you can connect with - Salehoo is the true drop shippers who can tie...


Hi First of all, the fact that you are talking about market validation is great. I've seen so many startups invest time and money, only to find that no ones wants/needs their product, or that they only want a certain aspect of it, or they aren't willing to pay the requested price. So you're alrea...


Crowdfunding is the best option in the present market. It gives you, 1. Early feedback 2. Exposure to more audience 3. VC free innovation / agility To start with, you may find the below useful: Hope this helps. Thank ...


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