
Results for: Product Development

For conducting market research across the Middle East and North Africa keep the following tips in mind: 1. Be clear on your business objectives for research: Fully understand what decisions or changes you want to be able to make to your business as a result of the research at the project briefi...


Great advisors are driven by 3 primary variables: the industry/sector of your product, your existing network, and where you are physically located. Industry - Your industry may or may not be network driven, in the sense that industry members regularly come together organically (venture capital)...


I want to begin by assuring you I don't want to rain on your parade. Now... Ideas are a dime a dozen. Execution is what is critical, and hardly anyone does execution well. NDAs are nice but they won't protect your idea from being ripped off in the medium term at the latest, if it's a winner. ...


Products like ZenDesk have a whole system built around help centers and tickets. Discourse and Disqus offer forum-like discussions. WordPress has several forum plugins. And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. My assumption would be that a deeper search on Google will come ...


So the question is what are your "Plan B" options. Let's assume for a sake of argument you've weighed the options (build your own, buy from an established competitor, partner with this startup) and you've decided that partnering is the best option. One way you could protect yourself in the event ...


There is a risk. At some point, you have to trust that the people you surround yourself with will not take your IP to a competitor. I doubt you will blindly add folks to your team without establishing a relationship with them first. This relationship is the basis upon which the trust is built. ...


You will probably get more or better responses posting this type of question on a forum for software developers like stackexchange because the people who actually know the answer to your question are most likely people who work at this company or used to work here, who might have signed an NDA th...


I agree with all of Ryan's points, and their order of importance. Use where you grew up as an advantage, not a disadvantage. From what I've read it sounds like you should definitely be able to pull this off.


My suggestion would be to connect (face to face if possible, Skype otherwise) with a couple from each category of users quickly (and multiple genres if that is an important category for differentiation) and then look to work towards the MVP,before getting more feedback (and ideally sales). Impor...


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