
Results for: Product Development

While you are considering bringing all the Content Marketing & Measurement features and capabilities together with Project Managment ( I am assuming some type of cohesive management Dashboard with combined analytics ?), you might want to consider the following: - the integrated product should no...


I owned an SMB in the health & fitness space and spent several years running a SaaS/PaaS startup in the business productivity space. There are lots of WP developers out there, I'd start by looking at elance. Have you done mockups so the developer can accurately quote the work? It's worth a lit...


Hi, These are the 3 most important first steps (all are related to validating your idea - meaning checking that there truly is a need for it): 1. Online research with D"r Google :-). 2. Offline research: ask as many people as possible what they think of "the" idea. Not YOUR idea. You need to as...


I'd avoid the cold email. The best way to get inside big companies like distributors is to "social engineer" a connection to someone there. Find a 2nd or 3rd degree connection on LinkedIn. Hang out at a restaurant near their HQ and look for people with the right badge on. Ask your potential a...


I think there are multiple issues going on and I would honestly love to work with you on this as it looks like an actual challenge for me. I'm a business consultant and really do only like working with real hurdles that challenge me. One thing that stands out is your branding - or lack of. Y...


I am an investor and advisor and have been structuring deals like this for many years. You can provide equity in the parent if you do not spinoff, provided that the people you provide the equity to agree to it in advance and you comply with all existing shareholders agreements and securities laws...


Hi: Without knowing exactly what your product is, the quick answer is "it depends." Many regional and national retailers do allow for some portion of local discretion in their product mix, but they handle it in different ways. Some have local buyers, some have regional buyers and yes, some have y...


Bear in mind that the approach Amazon took was during a time in which e-commerce was still just taking hold and was far from commonplace. Of course, starting with your own products and building an audience of shoppers gives you some leverage in attracting sellers when you change to a marketpla...


I love this question! Gets my creative mind flowing early morning. Here a few from top of my head: -Heart2Heart -Tete (tete a tete reflects a deep personal conversation between 2 people) -InterCo (for interaction & communcation) -InAccord (self explanatory) -tootalk -chatspot -lucidity (play o...


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