
Results for: Product Development

Look on Google Communities for technology focused BETA testing groups... Look on Linkedin Groups for business focused potential testers... Look on Facebook Pages for people who like apps/companies like what you are trying to bring to market... That should get you started.


Yes! I ran a silk-screen printing business when I was 15. It was a great learning experience. Do you ever watch Shark Tank? This episode has all kid/teen entrepreneurs: Here's a Ted talk check out: https://www.ted...


I'm working on a character line. We have copyrighted characters and multimedia featuring them...songs, videos, books. You know what else we have? Corporate sponsors. Are the wheels starting to turn? If you're a toy manufacturer, you get into the action figure business because you want to sell ...


If you have a substantial community, it's just a matter of sharing the same content (depending on the social media platform) with a different approach and see what they react to. You shouldn't focus that much on research but to see what get people to convert into users or clients. The reality...


I am not an attorney and this is not legal or "professional" advice. Copyright protection will be the easiest, as an artist's work. However, trademark is what you will really want. And that is not at all as cheap. Overall, my advice is for you to get moving, quit worrying about what theoretica...


First, avoid UPC codes. They're expensive + cumbersome + Amazon no longer uses them... or rather... even if you have a UPC code, you'll require replacing these with the Amazon AISN number assigned you. - UPC Mafia, where you purchase UPC codes. More important is a high th...


Cool concept, but yeah, it can be time consuming. While there may be automated ways to do this, another way to consider the demands of the individualized approach is to think of the effort as an investment in the relationship. Down the road, this investment could pay dividends, including: * when ...


Ries owns 'Lean Startup' trademark. I doubt 'lean' by itself is trademark-able, and isn't claimed by Eric. Someone else may claim 'lean career development,' so might be worth a trademark search.


I think my question would be have you looked back into the strategy of physical rewards for health motivation? Rather than recommend services offering gym discounts, health supplement discounts etc. I'd rather go back into the reasons why you want to offer rewards in the first place. From most i...


Well, it depends on your skills and what kind of portfolio your clients ask for. I can share some comments if you are a content strategist, UX engineer, or a technical communicator. You can prepare custom portfolio, such as content inventory or gap analysis, or a quick guide from whatever apps yo...


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