
Results for: Product Development

There are so many possibilities that come to mind, without knowing a lot more about what has lead you to this point, it is hard to offer any actionable advice. The first place I would start investigating is the top of your sales funnel. Are you getting students? Are they just not converting? Are...


Side Note: I would have loved to have done this for my wife's wedding bouquet - and even more recently for the flowers my daughters carried as flower girls in a dear friend's wedding. Very cool concept! People are far more likely to believe what they can see. Produce a short video that shows you...


There's a couple things to take into consideration. Do you want to host the software yourself? If not, look into ticketing solutions like EventBrite or similar. If you're willing to host it, there's a ton of really good solutions available as plugins for WordPress. I work for Modern Tribe, and ...


It's highly unlikely that you will be able to find competent full-stack mobile developers willing to work with you for equity, but if you do, "fair" compensation would be 50% or more of the equity in the Company. Approaching any developer with just an idea, diminishes your credibility as a pot...


Depends on your budget. Israel - highest quality but expensive. Ukraine - good quality and fairly cheap. India - decent quality and cheap. * Obviously the above is a generalization - in each country in the world there are amazing and high quality people. I have connections in all 3 of the a...


I would not try and code these ideas yourself. You may be able to find a developer that would work with you if they believe in the ideas, but that means you have to give up equity, and run the risk that they are not as passionate about the concepts as yourself. I would suggest you start reachin...


Great question - I have worked on several projects relating directly to what you are describing (based on my initial understanding) including providing software interfacing for mobile/PC/TV for large-scale hardware manufacturers as well as for mobile devices connecting to sensors and translating/...


Consider instead where a $2500 price point puts you. I use a selling technique called Monetizing The Problem, and in that process I get the prospect to calculate the size of their problem. Then I charge 5-10% of that figure. There's never any resistance, because they see where the number comes f...


You need to build your community from the get-go. Start with your beta testers, creating a community where they talk to each other about issues and come to you with ideas, suggestions and bugs. Encourage them to do this, no matter the issue, and respond quickly. If you develop a community like t...


I don't know any specifics about how these companies do things, but this part of what they do doesn't seem like it'd be especially hard. The various music service APIs provide ways to search their libraries for a string so you could do a reasonable first stab that way. Youtube's API provides th...


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