
Results for: Product Development

Find a business similar to the one you wish to open. Speak to the owner and make a wholesale pricing agreement. ie: he gives you a discount and produces work for you that you provide to your client. Go find customers and sell the services. If you can sell enough services for it to make sense t...


That's great what you've done so far! I've raised over a million dollars specifically from angel investors. Raising money is usually a full time job. In order to get angel investment you need to put together a good pitch deck, practice your pitch and be prepared for good questions. Next you ...


I have related relevant experience in this area as I am the first American to be invited to have an Entrepreneur's Visa in Canada, and I am also an Attorney from Boston, MA. My experience in Canada has shown me that for Americans, it is very much similar to the United States, and as we are Stat...


Several things to consider when coming up with your product's brand identity: 1) Who is your customer? That will drive the look and feel, as well as the language of your brand. 2) Who are you? If at a gut level, you and your company(employees) are rednecks making the highest quality broadheads f...


Being as collaborative as you can be is a good start. Outside of that, being honest and transparent about why the changes are happening is a good way to build trust with the new team. Keeping a positive attitude and energy around it will also help to soften the blow. Most importantly, continually...


There are lots of things that will make or break this... Do you have an intellectual property on your product? Are you sure costumes need/want it? On the to do list - need to develop marketing material and contact the company you want to license to. Having contacts with the right people/decision ...


The two answers here are right in a sense to call to your attention what a challenging endeavour it will be, should you decide to pursue this, but neither actually answer your question as you've stated it. You should begin developing this idea by doing customer development with other peers in yo...


Yes. Who I would recommend would depend on what you'd like to see happen. Are you building only for iOS, or only for Android, or both? Will you have a bunch of content/stuff in your app or just a little? Are you thinking game or non-game app? Do you already have a big fanbase or would you be tryi...


I have built two software companies by hiring out the development work. I sold one for a decent sum during the dot com era (circa 1999). I remain a shareholder in the other one. I currently work with amazing development company on behalf of one of my clients. Here are some things to consider. 1...


My vote is to kill it. Focus your team on what's important for your business. Just because it's done is not a reason to keep it. I always think. If the feature is not helping the product achieve its primary goal, it most likely getting in the way of it. It's really hard but keep your product fo...


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