
Results for: Product Development

Great question. I wrote the book Lean B2B: Build Products Businesses Want to help entrepreneurs get from idea to MVP to Product-Market Fit. I also built a few B2B startups (Flagback, HireVoice, etc). There are a few things that make this a challenge: 1) MVPs are typically much further along th...


Ask the team. What do they think is a good use of their time? No one likes to sit idle. If they were on a heavy schedule to meet the product launch, some downtime is useful to regenerate creativity, energy and focus. Have they documented all the processes used? Have you conducted a post-project r...


I think there are two very different things you want. One is test our application on a great number of devices and Android version combinations. This is to make sure your app runs smoothly on all the environments you need. The other is a way to collect usage data, core dumps and physicians feedba...


Start by calling SEO resellers. Ask them if they experience any challenges sharing reports with their clients. If they do, dig into what the problems are. Does your solution meet what they need? If so, tell them you are creating a solution they'd like and ask them if they want to buy it. Then you...


What I usually do with my team is to store the data locally until the machine connects to the web and then push it to the cloud at that point. The data won't be live but at least it will appear once the PC is online. Makes sense?


Quality control is always a concern when working with an overseas vendor, and I can only imagine your frustration with the samples you have received. My advice having sourced from China and many other countries is that you need a person on the ground to make sure your expectations and specs are b...


Here are some options: ___Free Options___ 1) Make apps without needing to spend a lot of time learning to code. Look into "MIT App Inventor" ( It's a very _easy_ way to make pretty complex apps using drag and drop coding. You can find youtube tutorials that...


I'd be happy to help, depending on what you need help with. I advise early stage hardware startups on rapid prototyping, market testing, etc. I've both founded my own hardware startup (which has gone on to raise over $10 MM), and designed and built hardware prototypes for other startups. If you...


Hello! Firstly you need to decide whether you're targeting larger or smaller corporations. Approaches will need to differ because the larger the organisation, the more formal the process and the more gatekeepers to go through. I've noticed you mentioned Russian legislation - I successfully sold ...


Hi - I'd probably look into both ways at first. Then decide which is more feasible. Efficiently, would be through contracting out a device maker if you work with an experienced and reputable company. If you have the experience in development, then this could be efficient in house as well but ag...


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