
Results for: Online Marketing

Unfortunately all the numbers are off. Content builds on itself in an accumulative fashion. Much of it is unquantifiable, but the success comes as breakthrough success after building your authority over time (atleast 18 months of consistent publishing content.) Those 1000 monthly visitors shoul...


Hi- This might not be the most popular answer, but I love going with social data in a situation like this. Tools like BuzzSumo, FollowerWonk and Affinio are all ripe with data that can tell you who is active in the space associated with different keywords, topics, etc. That is a general answer...


It's a difficult one to answer because Hubspot is a continuously evolving platform. What isn't working so well today will be great tomorrow. The speed at which they are developing is mind blowing. I've been watching this now for 1.5 years and it's pretty amazing. They're doing some pretty cool s...


Yes, a small % of people will take advantage of it, but the increase in sales you'll have due to the money back guarantee will more than make up for those cheaters. Note: Don't make it 100% incredibly easy for people to get their money back. Require them to at least write to you about what they ...


Hi there! In few words, the launch date does not matter a lot as long as you are following with a continuous marketing plan all the year. It is better to tune your lunch date according to your marketing campaign than connecting it to the seasonal event. The timing of your launch only matters if ...


Great question. One way to get the word out is to partner with site owners who may be interested in partnering with you. See what you can do for them first to help cross promote. If you are selling, for example Christmas cards, you may want to partner with a site that sell Christmas cookies, or h...


1. Platforms like Clarity. 2. A good - quality - presence on LinkedIn. 3. A website with quality content and incoming links. 4. Networking in general. 5. Paid advertising. I've successfully helped over 350 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. After sched...


Rental businesses are way different from sales businesses. Most entrepreneurs think all eCommerce solutions can be used to develop a rental marketplace, but the requirements to develop one are way different. To elaborate, rental orders are simply more complex than sales orders. For example, the...


Hello! First some questions. Are you working in a specific local market? What have you done to attract clients in the past? How did it work? Do you have a client base now? Have you tried any referral marketing at all? What are you teaching?


I don't know about 100, but my very first three clients came through thought leadership articles. I believe that referrals and SEO kicked in after that for a good mix of sources.


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