
Results for: Online Marketing

This is a fantastic question! I would suggest starting with looking for other businesses that had affiliate programs in the niche of your website/blog. There are multiple ways of funneling and layering content on your website to drive your engaged visitors to successfully complete a call to actio...


Tough to answer in full without knowing what your service is, but there are plenty of ways to get in front of college students. A few ideas: - Build a blog with useful/interesting content, share on social, build an audience - Incentivize current users to invite their friends through a referral p...


Keep asking great questions and focusing on fixing the issues and you'll get there! Video needs some innovation to become more accessible - you're on an interesting path! Upon visiting the site - I'm not surprised that this is an issue. You are doing very little to illustrate how your product de...


I think we'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not promoting here through a question it appears to me that there is a different issue at hand. Could be branding, positioning, market focus, pricing or wording... Could be a number of things more suitable for a call I think. A...


Hi there! I purchase quite a bit of PLR, but tend to focus on content about digital marketing and online business rather than physical therapy and sports medicine. My go-to sources are,,, and ...


My first question is "How do you monetize your blog?" If you don't know, then there's not much I can do for you right now. See, how you intend to monetize will drive the pre-qualification of readers. Meaning, who do you attract? If you monetize by having a store section, or sponsorship by reta...


For home services, Fridge Magnets are hands down the best marketing tool. US average is every person in a household visits their fridge 13x times daily, so 13x * 365 days/year == 4745 impressions for <$5 one time fee to have magnet manufactured + mailed to homes. Talk with people familiar with ...


Oh, DEFINITELY ask Clarity for help on how they target their customers and make their money. C'mon man, would you give that information away? It's called Intellectual Property and Competitive Advantage. What you should be concentrating on, if you're interested in having a similar business, is ...


I'm using and so far I really like it. I'm producing a course on "How to get massive amounts of free PR" that I will be launching in March 2018.


You're going to want a comprehensive marketing strategy that determines where your likely customers spend their time online and you'll want to focus on one to two channels that you will work to their maximum benefit until you feel they are saturated. You probably also want to think about enabling...


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