
Results for: Online Marketing

I would be able to advise you better if I saw your website or knew what your niche was but there are two broad principles you should follow: 1) Optimize what you are already doing You are already getting leads. So, it's not a traffic problem as much as it is a conversion problem. Keeping this ...


Unless an e-commerce company is transparent in sharing their sales details (this is probably very rare or unusual), you won't know the metrics needed in order to calculate it. I would think that the 2nd best thing is to hire a scraper or data entry person to collect the average item prices to tr...


Good question - digital B2B is definitely a particular challenge. One factor that determines the approach is the nature of your potential buyers' online habits. For example, if a significant percentage of your potential buyers use X social network, it makes sense to develop strategic marketing ...


Speakers, authors and coaches need what you have to offer. They all want to be seen as experts so you need to tell them how your product will do that for them. It's called building a platform and any speaker, author or coach will understand that language. There are two things to consider whe...


Social engagement requires more than posting information about your product or service. You need to look for ways to be helpful to people without trying to drive them to your site. Look for opportunities to build relationships first and foremost. Once people see that you're helpful they'll begin ...


Here are some answers for you that I believe will help you. 1. You should implement a long term and short term strategy right at the beginning. What I mean is that there are essential parts to your marketing like SEO and content marketing that you need to implement right in the beginning, but ...


The steps are the easy part. It's the execution. You can put together a great lead gen machine using content, cookies, and email marketing.


Hello there, amazing person! My name's Christian Nilsson and I come from a professional consulting firm. We work a lot with strategy, especially topics and tasks like this. Trust me, if you want to grow your Amazon business, it's us you want to reach out to! Give me a call and we'll go over ever...


You can hire amazing research talent on Upwork. Before that though, you'll have to work out what your hypothesis is, what are you trying to prove? Given what you've shared, I'd guess that you're looking for recurring income. The easiest to start might be the goal setting program if it were trul...


Just scale up your PPC campaign to get more users. If your PPC campaign isn't pulling a profit for you, then you are doing it wrong.


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