
Results for: Online Marketing

Do u know Sensational Marketing Campaign? that's what i called it ! Example: Build The Largest Handbags on Guinness worlds Record or the most Valueable Handbags with diamond/sapphire/diamond on it .....etc Result: your Brands will get covered up by media around the Worlds!!! You can Boost your ...


Hello, If you're looking for people like me (who have the change to have a Wikipedia page), you should target them with LinkedIn ads. I believe LinkedIn will get you better results than Facebook or Twitter.


I think you're looking at this the wrong way. Your customer acquisition cost is not something you should benchmark against other businesses. Without knowing more, like your short and long-term goals, it's impossible to answer. Two companies with similar business models may have different answers...


Besides being trained in the best keyword ranking techniques, you need to have just the right product. Easy to manufacture but not too easy to knock off. Otherwise you will find yourself ranking and then immediately getting chased by others willing to go leaner on margins. Product sourcing and de...


See my earlier posting on 3 tiered memberships and backend purchases of goods and services. If you don't think about your backend you can work your backend off with little or no profit to show. Michael T. Irvin


Not my exact area of expertise but we went through something similar here in Asia where sellers rushed to clear stock before the government stepped in with price and export controls. If you have the logistics set up already then you could quickly sell them on: * Facebook marketplace. * eBay. * A...


1. Pay for targeted traffic. If you're selling well on Amazon, you have a margin and therefore a budget. Do you know your cost of customer acquisition? What kind of a funnel do you have set up on your site already? 2. Get influencers who are known in your field to talk about you. This is prob...


Hello, my name is Daniella. I am the founder of I would suggest link building as soon as possible as it can take up to 10 weeks on average to see 1 rank jump. If you have followup questions, I am glad to help you on a call. Thank you, Daniella


It's more about type of your business. In terms of B2B there is only one thing which helps startups live - is sales. Direct sales, conf. sales. Until you reach solid revenue content marketing efforts can be useless. And it's also related to guest blogging. In terms of B2C. Yes, guestblogging ...


If you wanted to get creative about things and keep your costs down try this. Dropbox business for $795 a year / unlimited storage "Embed from Dropbox The second option requires at least a basic understanding of how HTML embed codes work. It’s not complicated, so don’t be scared off, but it’...


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