
Results for: Online Marketing

Names are not so useful, emails yes! Export their emails in Linkedin and then upload to Facebook "audience" targeting and then you're good to go:)


Sounds like you don't have your tracking code set up correctly. I suggesting hiring someone who can spend an hour and take a look to see if you can get the tracking working properly and go from there.


Typically these types of partnerships have detailed contracts that lay our which party is responsible for paying out any kind of competition winnings. There could be all kinds of goods/services trading places between the companies so it isn't as clear as "Company B always pays". You would need to...


I imagine that most recommendations for physical therapist comes from a Dr. I had an injury on my shoulder and he gave me a suggested PT to go to for help. That would be one place to go offline to see how you get to be a qualified supplier to an orthopedists. One creative approach to this might b...


It also greatly depends on "why" do you want the publicity. There are tools to become visible for investors, there are networks to attract board members etc At last but not least - there are networks and tools to get partners and buyers/licensees. Happy to discuss.


The best way to find the best market or customer is to choose one segment with one "solution" and start talking with them. See if they realy have a problem and which should be your solution to solve their problem. If you realize the segment you chose is not the best, look for other and repeat the...


Don't worry about Google Page Rank. It's already been declared dead ( Instead you should figure out how to get high quality and editoral links - which is the essence of page rank.


After advising and marketing for tech companies for over 13 years, and for as much as I value my own profession, there is no escaping this path: Start by getting your first 10 customers. No joke. That is harder than it looks. You can do this via social media, cold calling, personal networks, do...


First of all, starting a business on revenue generated from affiliate sales or incidental revenue is going to be minor and not enough to scale much less build a business. Unless you're a "solo-preneur" you'll need some additional form of revenue if you intend to add to the software-as-service web...


Hi... :) There are many ways in which you can generate leads, from Passive Marketing Tactics such as: Direct Mail, Advertisements, Industry Directories, Yellow Pages (in some places they are still working), TV, Newspaper, or you can try one on one with the prospect (Active Marketing Tactics) suc...


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