
Results for: Online Marketing

Hello, maybe you didn't explain the question right. Do you want to be a consultant? or do you want to start an online business? If you want to start an online business selling Japanese products online you just need a website with shopping cart, a payment gateway that is trustworthy to consumer...


I'll give you the answers that have worked for me, though I wouldn't say you "should" do this. This is where I found the best mix doing similar work. 1 - I would at the very least start with freelancers. There are a lot of great, talented people out there and this is the best way to meet people ...


One of the biggest challenges for new or growing brands when approaching multi brands (whether on or offline) is convincing the retailer of the following: a) You can delivery the product as promised b) It will sell and do so at an acceptable margin c) That you can find a way to cover them if b) f...


This is what you're after - does exactly what you want


Maybe hire a freelance market researcher to find out? ;) Generally, something like this is going to appeal to fortune 500 companies. Smaller companies and entrepreneurs are going to be doing market research themselves. From the question it is difficult to tell if you have come into possession ...


I think you're on the right track with the likes of eBay, Instagram, and Etsy. Those sites have established communities interested in what you have to offer. That said, each of those platforms have different optimization techniques to reach the right audience. For example, using proper hashtags ...


If I were you, I would launch a Facebook Group. It's the easiest way right now to create a community around your business of people interested in your offering and which contribute to each other. Why a Facebook Group? Think about where is the primary place where people spend their time without...


I will suggest a mixture of following: 1. (Mobile app) 2. (Completely Free and THE BEST ONE) 3. (Not much options but helps me post on Google Plus pages that other two does not do very well) I gained almost 1000 followers in 2 days using these three. If yo...


Yes, absolutely! You need to activate the GDPR consent forms and then add a form to your site. I'd explain it to you but this guide does a really good job: If you need any help do let me know!


Hi, There is a big difference between the two goals you mentioned and the method to achieve them. If you're looking for brand awareness, you should consider utilizing a method similar to the first option (see more on this below). If you're looking for a return on investment, you should go with ...


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