
Results for: New Business Development

Delaware's laws are friendly to the company and shareholders and predictable and familiar to investors. Costs are low. For these reasons, this is the most common state of incorporation. Unless you have a compelling other reason, this would be the most logical choice. Absent regulatory reasons, ...


There are lots of things that will make or break this... Do you have an intellectual property on your product? Are you sure costumes need/want it? On the to do list - need to develop marketing material and contact the company you want to license to. Having contacts with the right people/decision ...


I am a bit confused why you are starting a business, but asking how to best monetize it. That is a red flag, at the start. In my experience, when you are starting (or looking to gain more clients), defining a niche is a far better strategy than being a generalist. That said, once you are establi...


I am not an attorney nor an accountant. This is not "professional advice". An S-Corp is like a pipe you run water (revenue) through for tax benefits. An LLC is a more rounded entity. If you're planning to raise money, issue stock, or sell the firm, the LLC is the better choice. My accountant ...


Hello, The first step is to get the idea validated and opportunity assessed. It is important for an entrepreneur to invest time and energy in idea which has potential of getting transformed into sustainable business. I'd be happy to assist you move forward in your journey. Drop a message/schedul...


Yes, there are many software solutions available to start a marketplace like some of the popular ones are TaskRabbit. she This is a platform that allows you to create an online marketplace without any Sharetribe: 1. Coding skills. It offers a host of features such as payment processing, user man...


Hello! Clarity is an excellent platform for sharing your expertise and helping others. To give your best to others, here are a few tips: 1. Be prepared: Before each call or session, take some time to prepare yourself. Familiarize yourself with the topic or area you'll be discussing. Review any r...


As a business owner, I face similar issues myself. I'm sure you already know this but for something like this, you really should consult a lawyer and a tax professional. Having said that, the cleanest and safest way to do this would be to dissolve the current S-Corp and create a new one under a...


I would highly recommend connecting with someone who has experience here to shorten your learning curve if this is not what you do. For our agency, we spent a lot of time & money outlining and creating the infrastructure which now is mainly on autopilot for our outbound strategy. For example, w...


Just scale up your PPC campaign to get more users. If your PPC campaign isn't pulling a profit for you, then you are doing it wrong.


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