
Results for: New Business Development

You need to be doing three things with the initial money you make .. You should be looking into updating your "toolbox" with sensible purchases… KNOW that buying that particular tool will make your product better, or better yet, give you a edge on your competitors… do not buy something because it...


Last year, I made six-figures from consulting on the side (while I had a full-time job). Here's how I did it... I think a lot of "wantrepreneurs" overcomplicate the process of starting a business, and just throw up their hands because it can seem overwhelming and complicated. A lot of my work c...


This is a very important issue. Vesting and commitment should be decided upfront and in consensus. While I could tell you my experiences with founders, I would encourage you to first read this two posts on vesting: http://www.naffzig...


Hey, I think the number one issue you're going to face is a factor of viability, to them you're a new website, not really well known and even if they give you the listing of the products, will you actually be able to generate interest and sales for them? Once we understand this it would be much ...


I would like to ask before answering 1)what type of online bussiness ? 2)what is your bussiness targets in midterm or Long terms 3)financial issues ? And your trartget market I'd would say it based on the industry and bussiness targets and management of your bussiness .first your bussiness mode...


Well, if you're in a proven industry and have a track record of sales, it's quite simple... make the commission generous. I once worked as an advertising sales rep and while I wasn't 100% commission (my base salary was only $18,000, while I earned over $130,000/yr.) it was close enough that I th...


Having been working with and advising companies on how to get great customer feedback for many years, I have a couple of ideas you could try. One of the key assets you have is your customer list. You already have permission to approach them, I assume, so reach out to some to start a dialogue. If...


Samples are traditionally 100+ people. Can you get 100 customers? How many customers (users too) do you have participating on the idea? Once you've shared it past friends and family, strangers are interested in what you're doing I believe that is all that is needed for a product/service to be ...


How to start a company: 1) Come up with an idea (one that can make money) 2) Build a prototype (hardware, software, whatever) 3) Get evidence that people want it 4) Further refine the prototype and start selling it 5) When you've sold your first thing you now have, "a company" At some point in t...


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