
Results for: New Business Development

If you want to build a business around this, I'd recommend looking into some platforms that offer white-labeling and an easy interface for creating courses. Check out Or you could always go with something like Udemy, which may be a bit easier, but would be hosted throu...


Having been in the same position I can empathize. It's normal to be both excited and scared. There are risks but also great rewards in creating a successful company. Different people will have different ways of deciding when to go all in. My approach (which may or may not be applicable) was ...


Hi First of all, the fact that you are talking about market validation is great. I've seen so many startups invest time and money, only to find that no one wants/needs their product, or that they only want a certain aspect of it (whilst the startup spent money developing a whole bunch of other f...


Sure, try these guys They work on a performance basis which is why I like working with them!


Hello Ty, thank you for sharing this with us. I understand how vulnerable you might feel right now. My name is Humberto Valle, I have been helping entrepreneurs for over 8 years now, coaching strategic marketing and contracting for many companies at various phases in various industries across mul...


I really like the idea of specific benefits. "Have more time" is vague, but "get to your daughter's dance concert" is specific. Generally, if you can make the value proposition specific and something that your prospective clients can relate to, you've got a much stronger position than if you off...


I would say this from my personal experience. First right to popularise your domain name. Here are the top 12 tips they've shared that you have to consider when fundraising for your social enterprise. 1. DON’T ACCEPT EVERY CHECK YOU’RE OFFERED. When you’re running a cash-strapped business, it ca...


Your absolute first step is to gauge interest. Without demand, you will end up wasting your time and resources building something nobody wants. Find a need, know it inside and out, then build the solution to that need. Don't just talk to you friends and family (they are biased). Talk to the re...


There is always space for expansion, even in crowded markets like hosting services. At the end of the day, all that matters is whether you have a good product and whether your audience can see the value in it or not. If you are entering into crowded market, then, the first thing to do is do a th...


Before staring your Animation Studio, you need to be sure that you will have clients/buyers. Everything starts from a test. You cannot just create a Studio and think that you will be successful. You need to test everything before starting. Here is a short business plan: Find your niche - fin...


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