
Results for: New Business Development

You will find a number of third party services that will offer you discounted USPS shipping including,,, etc. Note that many of these services are getting bought up by, which actually may end up benefiting everyone as they will have more lev...


Essentially what I see you asking here is: should I increase the lead generation to my inside salesperson, or should I hire an outsider to get those new leads and convert them? As a business owner, can you see the problem with the second option? You are completely putting lead generation and a l...


An automated system could easily accomplish this. Human call centers would be slow and costly for something like this, if I understand correctly. I can think of a way of testing this idea without building any technology. You can setup a toll free number with extensions for each driver's cell pho...


Given that you are marketing your ability to build websites and mobile apps, your website lacks a lot of credibility as compared to other vendors offering similar services. A few specific examples: Links to what might be apps that your firm has previously built, link to almost illegible screens...


LinkedIn is the world's best recruiting source. The advanced search fields allow you so much criteria to build a hit list of potential candidates. Making direct outreach will likely result in a 20-30% response rate. I'd look for someone who is less entrepreneurially inclined by targeting peopl...


Hey, A few points (and as someone who has sold a digital agency, I have some experience here) 1) "This is the biggest decision of my life"... No it isn't. Not even close. I mean no disrespect but, agencies are easy to start back up. You build a team, build a client base, maybe take investors, ...


The one word answer is: ask! Make it a process to systematically ask every client for referrals. Referrals from happy customers are indeed one of the best ways to generate new business. When and how to ask is a matter of taste and practice. Let me give you two examples which apply to B2B. 1. A...


Yes! But is very tricky. I have a C Corp own two LLCs. You should have separate board of directors in the C Corp that are not owners in the LLCs. Pay through bonuses rather than salaries and aggregate expenses of the LLCs as op. expenses as SBUs of the corp. The reasons for having a C own LLCs ...


I am answering with the assumptions that A) Bangladesh's population is as much your demo as USA B) You eventually want to have presence in both countries So here's some numbers- B'desh has only 7% internet penetration, but 80% of those use it at least once a day and the country is overwhelmingl...


First of all, get an NDA in place. Then discuss with the potential partner what type of resources they can provide you to assist with time to market and after launch. From resources to operations to marketing, etc; what is the overall sense of the partnership.


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