
Results for: New Business Development

The easiest pitch would be to have a base retainer (say 1000$ a month) and then % of revenue increase since the baseline. It makes it easy for them and is far compelling cause you are now a revenue cost rather than a recurring sunk cost. The typical ecomm transaction has 10-12% margins? And th...


Simply put, If under 18, I'd instruct the student to persuade his parents to start a LLC, Trust, or Corporation. Analyzing what would be profitable and locating passion projects within the venture. I'd show the student how easy building business credit is when you have a business and how much le...


In my experience working with this age group as a coach, adults in this age group are very interested in connecting to their purpose and passion. They are willing to pay. However, how much is the real question. A marketing study using a conjoint analysis would shed some light on how much this ag...


Excellent question (and excellent answers here too). I'm 18 months into my start-up. That's 18 months of learning what is essential to survival and what is a waste of energy and space. Here is what is helping me most: 1. Communication essentials: Business cards (, laptop, phone, and Int...


Great question! This is a similar issue all enterprise-focused companies face, which I've experienced many times. I'd recommend creating content that leverages your experience: 1. Create detailed case studies about each of your large projects, featuring the customers branding clearly. Seek permi...


A startup is in essence the "art" of juggling. Of course you need some sort of "income" to pay for rent, food while your startup or business begins to generate cash flow. Ideally you should have at least 6 months of saving, sufficient time to give you a clear outlook of what will happen with yo...


In my experience there are two things that hold an entrepreneur back from taking action... But before you read them please understand that EVERYONE experiences these things in their life at one time or another. So this is NOT a judgment call but simply an observation. Realize that if you react...


Ask the team. What do they think is a good use of their time? No one likes to sit idle. If they were on a heavy schedule to meet the product launch, some downtime is useful to regenerate creativity, energy and focus. Have they documented all the processes used? Have you conducted a post-project r...


You should consider purchasing a company already in business that provides those services in one of the "business friendly states", Delaware, Texas, Nevada. Doing so will set you apart from your competitors and will give you credibility based on the reputation of the company you are purchasing.


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