
Results for: Marketing Strategy

I think sponsorships are your best bet. The only problem is that with 80 ppl per month, you still have a pretty limited audience that might draw sponsorships. I would not recommend charging for regular events as that will likely depress attendance. Offering separate speaking/seminar opportunitie...


You can sell online using different platforms, You can use eBay, Amazon, Etsy, or create your own website and sell products on your website. Actually, there are a lot of ways to sell products online and I will advise you to start selling on amazon.


Like any other industry, these surgeons (and their staff) attend regular training. Many of them are coordinated through a regional training organization; contact them and offer to host a free training course on how bariatric surgeons and grow their practice through online marketing. I'd be happy...


Starting with a question "What is it that the companies look for when they decide to sponsor an event?" I am quite sure the answers would be "Age of attendees, number of people attending (so they can figure out cost of reach (sponsorship amount / number of attendees), type of the event, general ...


Print advertising is expensive and phonebook usage has certainly declined. The marketplace can also be pretty fragmented with so many different publications. It would depend upon your market such as if you have a lot of retirees/seniors in your area that may still utilize a book? And have you ...


Perhaps, rather than focusing on acquiring new customers in new areas, you ought to evaluate first what additional services your existing clientele pays (or might pay) others to perform. If they come to you for writing but then go searching for something else, then perhaps you could efficiently ...


I have created my share of pricing for outsourced activity. Knowing what my competition is charging both on the high end and low end helped me understand the landscape but I created my pricing based on my own value proposition for each specific partner. First I needed to understand where they w...


Lot of ways 1. Target their fans on facebook - if they are big (20k+) you should be able to select them as an interest 2. Bid on the same keywords as them on adwords search and/or display - this requires some technical chops but there are ways to find your competition's placements. If you can ge...


I would look into searching for an influencer agency to get connected with these influencers.


You missed the opportunity to try and describe your service here, I wonder if you're generally missing the ability to effectively describe what you do to who you think is your customer? Strategy is simple. Tactics and implementation are where wins and losses are made. By "the brand connectin...


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