
Results for: Marketing Strategy

Being located in a tourist area, and having had restaurants in tourist areas, you need to reach out to the resorts, hotels and local merchants. Since anyone can take out an advertisement in a publication, I'd suggest inviting the local concierge and merchants in for an hour or two to begin to bu...


Don't delete them: segment them. Move them to another list for their own retention campaign. Send them a series of 3 messages saying that you've noticed that they haven't read anything from you lately, and you want to make sure that they're still interested in receiving information from you. If a...


If you haven't already have a co-host organization or have sponsor that adds to the guest list to grow both networks. Engage a charity to co-host that would benefit in some way plus you reach their audience. Put referral program in place - bring a friend get something in exchange.


There are a few things you can do to grow your email list, and then use that list to grow your fanbase in general. First, it is important to research what works best for you. Different musicians have different fanbases, so the approach you take will depend on your music and what type of fan you ...


You can use affiliate marketing for this. has lots of spirituality related products that will be great for advertising on this kind of niche. Generate link for those products from ClickBank, add banners or in-text links for these product and bring a lot of traffic. You can earn abou...


Hi: Sounds cool. Not clear on your target export markets, but some things to consider: 1. Identify your optimal customer and the problem you're resolving for that customer. Quality? Cost? Availability? 2. Research the pathways your product has to get into that optimal customer's hands. Wholesaler...


Using their logo implies that they are truly partners / customers of yours. Is this the case? It not, it is grossly misleading. Otherwise, I would check with them, out of courtesy. They may not want their competitors knowing what software services they use. I don't believe you are legally obli...


This is a common challenge for e-commerce brands. Amazon sales can quickly grow and account for an excessive percentage of total revenue leading to concentration risk. So diversifying your revenue sources is important but not always easy to accomplish. If you're operating your own e-commerce web...


I might suggest starting with Bitly and exploring the possibility of getting a custom branded shortener, which you can set up through Bitly once the domain is purchased. For example, my website is but I shorten all links to so it's more professional. I feel like many...


What I'm going to offer something that is a bit tricky and you need to use it with a lot of caution. It will also require some development. One of the ways of growing fast and get additional users is by having current/ new subscribers to send their contact list a notification that they have joine...


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